Devoted City Cary 590 Westhigh St, Cary, United States +1 more

If you're new to Devoted City, MOVE is an event for you! We'll share more about Devoted City, answer questions, and you'll be able to take next steps to get connected. Dinner is provided! Register today. Register for MOVE

SuperStart: A Camp for 5th Graders

Fairmount Christian Church 6502 Creighton Road, Mechanicsville, VA, United States

We're thrilled to be taking our 5th graders to SUPERSTART 2025! We’ll depart from Raleigh on Friday, February 21st, around 2:00 PM, and return on Saturday, February 22nd, around 5:00 PM. More communication to follow.

Please join us for an interest/information meeting at the NR building on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6pm. 

Easter at Devoted City

Celebrating that He is risen!

Meeting in North Raleigh, Cary, and Online.