Partnering Together to Move the Mission of the Church Forward

Make your simple, secure gift online now. Thank you for your generosity.

Hurricane Helene Relief: Select any campus in the drop down below. Once on the giving portal, select ‘Hurricane Helene Relief.’ 100% of funds go directly to relief efforts.

Automate your Giving

Automating your giving is an easy way to consistently put God first in your finances. Setting up a recurring gift takes just a couple minutes, and you can easily manage your giving online.

More Ways to Give

Give by Text

Text the campus keyword to 77977.

You’ll receive a link guiding you to make a simple, fast, secure gift.

Campus Keywords: devotedcity, devotedcitycary, devotedcityonline.

Mail a Check

Send your check to Devoted City Church

9500 Durant Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614.

Give Non-Cash Assets

To discuss a possible gift of real estate or another unique gift, contact us at finance@devotedcity. com

View Your Giving History

Sign in to ‘Devoted City Connect’ to check your past giving and update your information. Download our app to easily access your giving info & more!

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Easter at Devoted City

Celebrating that He is risen!

Meeting in North Raleigh, Cary, and Online.