In September, we’re praying for God’s will to be done in our church and our city. We’re praying for the Holy Spirit to move in our church and the lives of those around us.
Persistent Prayer
There is power in prayer. Every day of September, join us in praying this prayer so that we may see God work in our church, our lives, and in our city.
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. We’re going to read out loud the Word of God from beginning to end.
Show up to read the Bible. It’ll be outside the front doors at both campuses from 7am-7pm.
Read out loud and check off the chapters you read on the checklist.
God’s Word is living and breathing – and it brings revival. Join us in reading His Word for our church, our families, and our city!
WORSHIP NIGHT: Our month of prayer will conclude just in time for our next Worship Night on October 4. We’ll worship together and celebrate how we’ve seen God move!