Next Steps
A Place to Grow and Find Your Purpose
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Track your TryFive Journey
Finding a church can be hard, especially in only one week. Try Devoted City for 5 weeks to find out whether we’re the community for you.
Track your TryFive journey so we can cheer you on and help you get connected.
Attend MOVE
New to Devoted City and looking to get connected? Move is an event designed just for you!
Move towards the mission of the church as you learn about our mission and vision, meet some of the staff, and take next steps.
Dinner and dessert is provided.
Your Journey in Community
Spiritual growth is all about direction, not perfection. While it’s rarely linear, knowing where you are in your journey of devotion to Jesus can help you find the next steps to take.
Discover each stage of the journey and find ways to grow right where you are.
1. Explore
You might be new to faith, going to a church, or even the idea that there’s a God. That’s okay! You don’t have to have it all together. Bring your questions and doubts, and be open about exploring what it can look like for you to find, trust, and follow Jesus.
Your Next Steps
2. Decide
When making a decision, you first explore the options. Then comes the point when you must decide. Jesus offers salvation and a new way of living. It goes beyond just believing He existed. It’s up to you to accept the gift of salvation and follow Him.
Your Next Steps
3. Grow
You have decided to follow Jesus… fantastic! But what does that look like? This part of the journey involves developing new habits and learning to live like Jesus. Growth happens best in community. That’s why we encourage you to join a group that will help you grow.
Your Next Steps
4. Lead
As you continue to grow in your faith, you’ll find that God gives you opportunities to tell other people about Jesus. This part of the journey is all about sharing your story so that others find and follow Jesus. That’s the mission of every disciple. It’s a journey, not a destination. It’s about direction, not perfection.
Your Next Steps
Apprentice Under Another Leader
Lead a Group or Team
“Go then, to all people everywhere and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and then teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
– Matthew 28:19–20
In Jesus’ own words, being a disciple involves baptism.
Baptism isn’t just a ritual or ceremony. The New Testament teaches that a personal commitment to Jesus is a relationship of faith, and that faith is demonstrated and acted upon in baptism.
When someone is baptized, they are publicly placing their faith—their ultimate trust and loyalty—in Jesus for this life and for eternity. It’s both a personal proclamation and a communal celebration of a person trusting in Jesus. Through baptism, they affirm that He alone is the leader of their life and their only basis for eternity with God in Heaven.
At Devoted City, we practice baptism as the first followers of Christ did: by immersing into water an individual making a personal faith choice to become a follower of Jesus.
Take Your Next Step
When you’re ready to be baptized or want to learn more, let us know and we’ll help you move forward.
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