G4 Interest Meetings: Lead a Group

We're hosting interest meetings to learn more about being a part of G4 groups launching at Devoted City Church in March 2025. This one hour session will introduce you to a new support and recovery ministry, what it is and isn’t, and how you can take a next step in being part of the launch […]

Men’s Bagel Breakfast

Devoted City North Raleigh 9500 DURANT RD, RALEIGH, NC, United States

Men of all ages are invited to our bagel breakfast on January 25 from 8:30-10am. It's a great time to meet others from Devoted City, and we'll share a little about our upcoming bible study, which you can sign up for on our groups webpage.

Easter at Devoted City

Celebrating that He is risen!

Meeting in North Raleigh, Cary, and Online.