
Each number represents someone taking a next step as they gain a deeper devotion to Christ, His Church, and its mission.

Last updated: 12/09/24

People Currently in Groups: 1164

Baptisms since January 1, 2024: 149

Average Attendance

These numbers represent the monthly average of individuals attending Devoted City each week – adults, students, and kids included!

DATENorth RaleighCaryOnlineTOTAL
January 202413881845362108
February 202413521804281960
March 202414942004062100
April 202413221564211899
May 202411561614001717
June 202410781513521581
July 20249831644021549
August 202411461693971712
September 202412531584141825
October 202412231484061777
November 202412571783921827

Average Giving

Your generosity moves the mission of the church forward. View our monthly giving below, and you can give online here.

DATENorth RaleighCaryOnlineTOTAL
January 2024$155,048$59,615$457$215,120
February 2024$161,053$50,623$1800$213,476
March 2024$215,519$65,764$1,865$283,148
April 2024$168,814$50,263$230$219,307
May 2024$215,862$73,830$600$290,292
June 2024$224,340$57,457$2,425$284,222
July 2024$167,559$55,924$1,775$225,258
August 2024$195,054$64,997$4,815$264,866
September 2024$1,691,169$551,122$18,892$2,261,183
October 2024$183,788$57,734$4,155$245,677
November 2024$193,000$53,874$5,090$252,464

Budget overview

Here’s a big picture overview of where we spend our budget. If you have questions, reach out to the financial team at

AreaPercentage of Budget
Central Ops & IT29%
Missions & Outreach14%
Youth & Kids12%
Weekend Experience9%
Worship Arts8%

Easter at Devoted City

Celebrating that He is risen!

Meeting in North Raleigh, Cary, and Online.